How to broadcast a post to users

Schedule a share across your team's social media


Only Administrators have access to broadcasting. 

To access, click Share and use the ‘Who would you like to broadcast to?’ box

By clicking on the 'Broadcast to...' text field, you should see a full list of your users.

Only connected users will appear in this list. If they haven't yet connected their social media channels and set up their Social Assistant, they will not appear here.


Broadcast select users


Next, choose when you would like the broadcast to happen. 

You can either post at the scheduled time only or post randomly across the next 6 hours after posting. 


Finally, you can choose the approval settings. 

You can choose if a user needs to approve the post or if it will post automatically. 


When you are happy with your chosen broadcast settings and have finished creating the post, click 'Share' at the bottom of the page. 

Broadcasts will appear in your schedule, giving you the opportunity to make any necessary changes before it is published. If you want to learn more about how to use your Schedule, you can find detailed instructions here.