A lite user can connect their social accounts to have automated job posts and receive broadcasted content.
How to connect your LinkedIn and Twitter
Simply click on either "LinkedIn" or "Twitter" and you will be taken through a log in process. Here you will need to approve Paiger to have access to your accounts - we need this to be able to share your content.
Once you have connected, click on "Where to share" to select which profiles Paiger will automatically schedule content to and how often you would like to post. Here you can choose where to be notified about broadcasts, either by email or SMS.
How to approve broadcasts
Broadcasts are content that your marketing teams create for you to post to your social media.
Based on your settings, you will either receive these in your email inbox or via SMS.
To approve content in your daily email you can:
- Click 'yes' and it will be posted immediately
- Click 'Edit' to update the status.
To approve content via SMS you can:
- Reply 'YES' to approve
- Reply 'NO'
- Reply 'UPDATE' to change the status. Then type the new status.
How to set up automatic job sharing
Your jobs will be automatically added to your account.
You can choose the frequency your jobs are posted. Head to 'Where to share' and select the frequency in the drop-down.
Your jobs will be posted to your connected social accounts automatically with your desired frequency.