How new users are onboarded

Our onboarding process is seamless for new users, allowing them to get set up in minutes.

Upon initial login, Paiger guides new users through a straightforward onboarding process. Users can efficiently set up their accounts by filling out a form, ensuring they can derive value from Paiger right from the very first day.

What is the process? 

Step one: Set up your assistant

To begin, the user must fill out a form with their job title, industry, and location to inform Paiger about their preferences. Once they've completed the form, click on 'Start Training'.

Paiger will then use AI to train their assistant based on their input. Depending on their needs, which are determined by their job title, Paiger will do the following:

- Create tailored prompts for their industry so they can receive AI-generated posts in their inbox the next day.

- Create suggested boolean strings that are relevant to them.

- Compilation of suggested vacancy alerts that can be included in their assistant to receive the latest job alerts in their inbox.

Step two: Start with the basics

After completing the assistant training, users access Paiger and an onboarding checklist on the bottom right-hand side of their screen.

This checklist guides users through essential tasks to help them familiarise themselves with the basics of Paiger.

Additionally, users can explore guided tours of the product at any time, with step-by-step instructions on how to effectively use each of Paiger's tools.